It's Here: Genuine Support For Strong Instagram Mums
It's Here: Genuine Support For Strong Instagram Mums
So, I’ve been procrastinating all year about whether to start a support group for mums. Should it just be for mums with chronic illness or mental health problems? Should it be a group for mums with teenagers like me or mums with young children, as that’s where my expertise lies? Do I even want to have a group?
You see, I’m a member of a business growth membership and we’ve been told that having a group helps to build super fans; that having a Facebook group is a fantastic way to grow our business. The thing is, I’m not a fan of Facebook and I’m definitely not a fan of the idea of running a Facebook group.
I’ve had some awful experiences in Facebook groups and, as this weird year of 2020 has transpired, I’ve spent less and less time on the platform. I can’t cope with the moaning that occurs in lots of these groups. I don’t ever want to run a moany group, it’s just not me. I’d also need lots of help to run a Facebook group; another issue.
So I started thinking about all the Instagram Mums following me and knew that if I was going to start something, I needed to think outside the box. Instagram seemed a good place to start. So whilst November seemed to rush in and a second lock down in England slapped us in the face, I’d found a way to offer genuine support.
This blog is part of the November Link Up kindly hosted by Sheryl Chan of A Chronic Voice. Please check out the other great posts in the link up.
The prompts this month are:
As I said, I’ve been pondering over the group idea for months. I know I wouldn’t have enough energy for running a group on my own, something my business peers don’t usually have to consider in the same way I do (I have to keep reminding myself this, due to comparisonitis). Incorporating this into my life was going to be a challenge.
The first challenge was finding the support I needed. I needed to find mums I could trust but I couldn’t think of any who had the time or energy to put into a traditional support group. I certainly didn’t have the energy to monitor a group on my own. Knowing this helped me realise that a traditional group really wasn’t for me!
I love the feel I get from the Mums who are part of the community following over @strengthoftears_mum. This mostly consists of what I call frazzled mums, a term incorporating mums who are stressed out, have chronic illnesses, anxiety or depression. Despite all this, the positive vibe and support is there when someone needs a rant or has a flare.
I wanted to bring this energy into my group so I settled on the idea of having an Instagram group. I still needed support to help me get this idea off the ground. They helped me plan as we chatted through ideas. Incorporating self care was particularly important for us all.
I needed a name. I didn’t want to use the term frazzled mum for this group so incorporating ‘Strong Mums’ from my mailing list name seemed ideal. I use this term as it highlights the strength we build as we face the challenges of motherhood; I want the community to empower women!
If you’re a mum wanting support and access to my free resources sign up to my Strong Mum’s Mailing List today.
“Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary-It’s an act of Infinite optimism.”
I knew I’d be experimenting with choosing Instagram for this, but it’s my happy place on social media so it makes sense to me. I don’t find Instagram as moany as other platforms so making this a space for mums to meet other Instagram mums seemed the right choice for me. I set about researching the idea and trying to explain my plan.
Before starting this I wanted to create a logo, using the teardrop from my Strength Of Tears brand, experimenting with my branding colours. I shared these with my peers in my business growth membership and their comments helped me link my website branding to the group.
Using Instagram as a platform for a group is experimenting, as this won’t work the same way as a traditional group. Making this group for the audience I already had seemed too restrictive so I’be now broadened the group to mums with kids of any age, including step-mums and carers.
I have to remind myself it’s fine to keep experimenting with how the group will run as it builds momentum, and how we grow as an engaged community who lift each other up. I’m excited to be creating a space for Instagram Mums to connect and empower one another.
I’ve been in similar networking groups but I haven’t come across this. Experimenting with creating a support group in a private group chat, makes me excited by the potential it has to be a positive, inclusive and supportive space.
Join on Instagram
All Mums welcome, just click on the link to head to the Instagram post that gets you into the group!
In the year of constantly needing to sanitise, this group has been a welcome distraction for me and I hope this continues under lock down number 2. I hope that the group will provide a welcome distraction for my growing community. Hopefully it will become the place people turn to over the next few weeks and months.
Our small following is already engaged and as soon as this recent lock down was announced I had mums in the private group chat sharing their concerns and supporting each other.
I want this group to provide genuine connections. I see us offering regular mental health check ins as part of our self care approach, especially as we head to the end of a very tough year. I want mums to be able to find sanctuary from the world in our private group chat, whether they’re kids are tiddly or grown.
“Mother’s give up so much, so that their children can have so much.”
Launching this new community has gone better than I hoped. I decided to bite the bullet about 2 weeks ago, kind of by accident, and we already have over 60 followers. It was a quiet launch as I had no idea I was doing it until I was at a zoom networking meeting and I blurted it out, hoping people would spread the word.
So, I had to launch the account that day! This stopped my procrastination but I had no idea how others would react. Mums are interested but I think many are so used to Facebook that using Instagram is initially confusing. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m glad I just went for it.
For us to grow, I need the Instagram mums who’ve joined the community to tag their mum friends. As I’ve said, the group is for mums from pregnancy to flown the nest. We have mums with babies, teenagers and children who have their own kids in the DM support group. We’re there to lift each other up and the support group is ideal for this.
Now is an important time to have a support system and as lock down continues it will be increasingly important, as mums face new challenges. I also know that not everyone reading this sees themselves as Instagram Mums but I bet you would really benefit from connecting with others, even if you think you’re not tech savvy.
I plan on launching our Join Us day on a Thursday and I’ll continue launching new ideas as the group grows so that there’s something for everyone. [Over time the page became too much for me to manage and so the group is now hosted on my main account.] If you want to come and explore then visit Strength Of Tears_Mum’s ‘JOIN US’ post.
Writing posts for the group will involve changing the way I plan my social media and my style of writing. I also need to make sure I’m not giving myself too much extra work [I did so you can now follow everything from my main account].
My biggest challenge will be writing clear instructions for the mums joining in. They will be asked to share the post to their stories to help spread the word. This sounds easier than it will be; my brain doesn’t like staying focused. I expect to be re-writing it a few times to get it right.
With the new challenges, I’ll be writing about topics others have a say in, mainly what my audience want to discuss. This could be news or awareness events or writing more general check in posts. The DM’s additional support group will be monitored for consistent support.
How To Join My New Free Instagram Mums Group
I hope that if you’re still here, you’re a mum interested in joining us. We’d love to have your support in building this community and empowering women. It’s a great place to meet other mums and if you want a support system you’re welcome to join our Strong Mums Social Support in our private DM Group.
We’re on a mission to connect as many mums as possible. All mums are welcome, including step-mums and carers, whatever age your kids are. Women running businesses that support mums in finding solutions are welcome, however, selling is not. This group lifts mums up so they feel strong enough to face life’s challenges.
It’s not a follow loop or a follow to unfollow page, anyone doing this will be removed. You don’t have to follow everyone or a certain number of people on any of our posts.
Do you want to be part of this network of Instagram mums supporting each other?
I want to support mums any way I can, especially around self care, so as well as these book suggestions, I have created a free, simple step by step well-being planner to help you stop chronic illness crushing you!
How do you like to connect online? What do you look for from a support or social group?
Tell me in the comments.
Stay safe,
L 💜
P.S I can help you put yourself as a mama first by creating personalised well-being strategies that work around your life. My free well-being plan will help prioritise your own needs, such as building connections, making time for self care or doing the things you love. Or if you want be the first to know when my well-being journal launches sign up to my Strong Mums mailing list here
✋ Hey there! I hope you’re feeling stronger now. If so, sharing the love will help me help mums with chronic invisible illnesses ⬆ Hit one of those sharing buttons or save these images to Pinterest and I will do a bed-bound happy dance - there's an image for you!